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  要去之前大伯跟我說滑雪一定要找教練,因為沒有基礎不會滑是很危險的,但是找教練當然是還需要額外的費用囉! 所以我找了兩位韓國同學一起去,日本跟韓國的同學幾乎都會滑雪,這可是他們的冬天活動之一。


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After had lunch with my uncle, we went to the Yaletown. I walked from there to English Bay. How's a wonderful day with nice sun.





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Vancouver is the place you live more longer you won't want to leave.

How can you have mountain while have sea, ocean. Anything in the downtown.


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Nice day.




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Finally, I had the JAPANDOG today. I miss 米腸 .

I don't know how can I call 米腸 in English. Maybe rice roll..somethin....

我吃了蘿蔔泥口味的,基本上我不是愛吃熱狗的人,熱狗的taste對我來說蠻heavy,所以我選了清爽的口味,但他就只是熱狗加了蘿蔔泥,不會說有什麼違合感,但也不覺得match,我看到了炸蝦口味的!!!!!!! 在我等餐的時候,可惡而且還比我的蘿蔔泥便宜,看起來應該是蝦子取代了熱狗。


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Today is Japanese day for me.

I had sushi and sashimi with my uncle for lunch at a restaurant named California. That was awesome!!!!!!!!!


After the store meeting with partners , some of us went to a Japanese restaurant. I didn't want to eat sushi and sashimi anymore.....kkk thus I had ramen.

I had a good day. :):)  

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Once, I asked my partner what do you usually do in your free time?

He answered me he usually go to a real coffee shop ,thus I was there this afternoon. He told me a good coffee shop " Revolver"


That's a really nice one. I sat there and read my book.

Recently, I don't have so many work hours. Finally, I have time to set down for those books, I have borrowed from library. I'm gonna take the TOEIC test after I go back. I should study again.

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This steak spice is really good.

My roommate recommend it.

I use it to fry mushrooms、 potatoes 、roast cauliflowers and roasting chicken leg.


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今天去了圖書館一趟,租了漫畫書重點是英文的唷!!! 呵呵呵!! 放鬆一下讀些有興趣的東西才看得下去呀!



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I bought some tableware yesterday in the DAISO. They are so cute. One is the bowl for steamed egg. It has a little lid. I can't wait to use them so I made a salmon steamed egg tonight. That was awesome!!!!! I become crazy about Kimchi after I tried at the first time. My cousin's grandmother can make 烤麩 very well. It is so delicious. I love it. Enjoy the time when I can do something I want and I like it.



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Enjoy the life by myself. My roommate went abck Taiwan thus only me live in second floor now. Ccc I like to cook. A bird was singing while I was cooking. Then I saw a squirrel on the roof . I'm enjoying the meal with a drama. Day off day.





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I bought some flowers for myself. I can imagine it will be very nice when I put them on my desk. The sunshin throught the window and cover my flowers. It make me happy . Flowers Stars 



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I always raise my head ,
when I go home on the way at night.
I can see the shining stars on the clear sky. It let me feel better when I am on the way alone. Especially when I off from the work with the tired body. ☆* ☆* ★ * ☆* ☆*



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My new place

I have moved to the share home.My uncle helped me to move out from homestay yesterday. I had a lot stuff and heavy luggage. I'm appreciation him.
After that,Ruby cooked a delicious vegetable soup for lunch. We had the soup and watched a Taiwanese TV show in the while.
Then,I went to the T&T market to buy some ingredients for my new place. I bought a lot things. I think I'll become superwoman because I carried two super heavy bags by myself.

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Cherry and I went to a handsome guy coffee store. Actually, it isn't the really name of this coffee store. We call that just because we have passed the coffee store before and we saw a few handsome men in there. kkkkk It is not a franchising shop. They are a local one. Their environment are artistic and cheerful. I'll go there again and take more pictures because it were a lot people in the shop today.

I'm going to move out from homestay. I'm happy and a little bit sad. They are very good to me but I am excited to cook by myself. I already rented some cook books from library. Actually, they always cook Asia food. That is very good for me but I like cooking. hahaha I didn't finish to put my stuff in my luggage yet!!!! Here are a lot things over anywhere......I have lived this room for almost six months.
終於到了要搬出住宿家庭,小難過但其實也很興奮哈哈哈,因為我可以任何我喜歡吃的東西,說實在我寄宿家庭根本都是亞洲菜,不會有甚麼不習慣的問題,但我想要吃得清淡而且簡單一點,我發現這裡的人好喜歡吃點心零食唷! 我的寄宿家庭零食多到不行,同學們的寄宿家庭,午餐都會附很多糖果餅乾給他們,我在台灣根本沒有甚麼在吃點心的說實在,我們家也沒有很常在買,我家最常吃的應該就是我爸了吧!

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Yesterday, My homestay mom gave me socks shoes which have the cute frog face in the picture.


I'm so so so so happy because I alway say I'm feeling cold . Now I don't feel cold anymore. kkkk I recevied another present. It is perfume. They are so good for me.
Today after dinner,I decorated the Christmas tree with my homestay family while listened the Christmas songs. Then, we turned on the light of tree and turned off the light of living room. It is so nice and beautiful. I want to wish something when I concentrate to look the tree. I recall a memory for long time ago. I had a small Christmas trees in my house when I was a little girl. The night before Christmas my parents wanted to put some gift in my bed but I didn't sleep yet. I opened my eyes and lay in my bed while my parents were hiding the back of a door. They just hoped I go to sleep quickly. kkkk
Recently, My dream is be a good mom and build a sweet home but when I watched the tree I just want to come back the time when I was a little girl. We always say that way the time you always more miss your family when that is a festival of family together.

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