Yesterday, My homestay mom gave me socks shoes which have the cute frog face in the picture.


I'm so so so so happy because I alway say I'm feeling cold . Now I don't feel cold anymore. kkkk I recevied another present. It is perfume. They are so good for me.
Today after dinner,I decorated the Christmas tree with my homestay family while listened the Christmas songs. Then, we turned on the light of tree and turned off the light of living room. It is so nice and beautiful. I want to wish something when I concentrate to look the tree. I recall a memory for long time ago. I had a small Christmas trees in my house when I was a little girl. The night before Christmas my parents wanted to put some gift in my bed but I didn't sleep yet. I opened my eyes and lay in my bed while my parents were hiding the back of a door. They just hoped I go to sleep quickly. kkkk
Recently, My dream is be a good mom and build a sweet home but when I watched the tree I just want to come back the time when I was a little girl. We always say that way the time you always more miss your family when that is a festival of family together.
我轟媽昨天送了我一雙室內襪子鞋,天壓實在是太感動了,我再也不用被冷冰冰的地板欺負了,而且還是可愛的青蛙笑臉. 今天晚餐過後我們一起裝飾了聖誕樹,看著聖誕樹閃爍的燈光,我想起了一段小時候聖誕節時的回憶,平安夜那晚爸媽想要趁我們睡覺時放禮物在我們床邊,我躺在床但一直沒睡覺,他們只好偷偷地躲在門後面看我們何時要睡覺(事後他們轉述), 我記得那年的禮物是粉紅色的小包包跟黑佳麗(如果我沒記錯的話),看著聖誕樹真想回到小時候,每逢佳節倍思親.

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