I love the atmosphere of Christmas. Here is four holiday drink at STARBUCKS in Canada. I have tried the Eggnog latte and Gingerbread latte but I am not good at to express about the taste. The only thing I can tell you is cinnamon. Others are Peppermint Mocha and Caramel Brule latte. I want to try the peppermint. I really like mint!!!!!
Actually I didn't like the cream top the drink but the taste of cream is so good here.kkkkk It is cinnamon cream.


I saw many Christmas cards today. It make me happy. I have recalled the memories of the day. I usually eat out with my family and friends in a period of Christmas. I prepared the small gifts for my family before the day. After dinner we always take pictures with the decorations of everything. That is so sweet.

I have heard a news from Taiwan.
There is a law news about homosexuality now. Love Love

I think if someone likes you he may tell you. You know the mean my friend. You said you are waiting me to go back Taiwan and go to find the 月老 but if you can find your Mr.Right before I go back. I will be happy with you. hahahha. love you my friend

I used the vocabularies to made the sentences which I have learned from morning class. 
My career opportunities depend on my efforts. 
My homestay father works anti-social hours.
My father takes early retirement.
My mother and sister do a nine-to-five jobs.
這裡的聖誕節季節飲料是蛋酒那堤,薑汁那堤,薄荷摩卡跟焦糖什麼的是法文我不懂。太妃這裡是常態就一點都不稀有了。臺灣的杯子比較有潛力說真的。聖誕節快到了讓我想起好多回憶。每年聖誕節總是忙碌著公司的活動,感覺不到累因為那歡樂的氣氛,然後結束後跟夥伴一起過慶祝聖誕節跟交換禮物。還有每年必去信義區跟家人朋友享受聖誕節的氣氛。 真是一個令人感到開心的節日。

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